Straydog Pottery

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Blog Tags:pottery, stoneware, North Carolina pottery, hand thrown pottery
Country:United States
State/Province:North Carolina

Journal of novice potter and his journey in learning the arts of the ceramic craft.

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I can't believe it has been almost six years since I posted on this blog.  It has been a busy six years and many changes have happened in my life that have kept me from working on my pottery.  Now, with the "stay-at-home" directives, I thou...

Susan conducting the marriage of Peyton and RachelleSomething wonderful happened in Washington, DC, Saturday night - bet you don't hear that too often!  I watched my wife, Susan, conduct the marriage of our oldest son, Peyton, and his long-time...

Snow Days = Clay Days

on Jan 29, 2014

Snow days are great days - you can get so much done that you didn't plan on doing because you can't do the usual expected activities, like updating your blog that you haven't touched in 5 months!  I actually planned on doing this earlier since S...


on Aug 9, 2013

Alright, alright, alright!  I know - it has been almost a year since I last posted on this blog.  It has been an incredibly busy year - the change to blended learning at school has been very exciting, but also very time and energy consuming...

Quite a Year!

on Nov 3, 2012

It is hard to believe that it has been about a year since I last posted on this blog, but it really has been busy - unfortunately, not "pottery busy" but school busy.We have gone into a new blended learning model at the school and this has created a...

This is just a quick post to let you know about a few important events happening this weekend and next.  And, I have a chance to try sharing a video of me throwing a pot for a worship service Susan conducted on The Potter's Hands at church. ...

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