Confessions of a message board hooker

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Blog Tags:Escort, diary, sexy, money, provider, call girl, hooker, hobbyist, confession
Country:United States

The life and times of Jenny DeMilo. Notorious Hollywood party girl, photographer and message board hooker. The real scoop on provider, hobbyist subculture and pay for play companionship in Los Angeles, D.C. and beyond.

Latest Blog Posts

Sex Work And Taxes

on Jun 20, 2024

I hear it all the time. It’s often deployed against sex workers as an attack line. I saw it again just the other day on a heated, controversial, sex work thread on the bird app. A commenter (a guy, it’s always a guy) spewed out the old sex-worker...

I have an illicit past

on Sep 26, 2022 in: writing

You all already know about my past if you have been a reader here. Now you can read me on The Daily Beast. “I had bo...

Join Me On Loyal Fans

on Dec 7, 2021

Oh I went and did it, I started a fan club. See I actually do listen to you…. sometimes. You can now have direct access to chat with me, your divine Trance Mistress. Its a pretty nifty site and has a TON of features. The customer service reputa...


on Apr 9, 2019

This is a test. Uploaded images are not displaying. Image of a cow is blank/not showing.

I’ve been around the block a few times. I have my mp3 sessions available for sale in several places. I’ve opted to not put them on some platforms, I’ve pulled products and ended relationships with others if I felt they were being sh...

Good luck. There are scant few sex workers verified on Twitter even though its the preferred social media outlet for the marginalized group. I was an early adopter and encouraged others if my ilk (at that time i was a hooker) to join me. We called ou...

on Sep 28, 2017

Hypno-Domme, Erotic Recording Artist, Dominatrix and Free Thinker.