Long Hollow

Blog URL:http://barbarashallue.typepad.com
Blog Tags:life, midlife, parenting, empty nest, friendship, country life, writing, photography

Where I write...capturing some of my thoughts, clearing my head, trying to make sense of what I see, think, and feel.

Latest Blog Posts

Gratitude. That's my word for 2023. While I've faithfully written in my gratitude journal every morning for a few years, and have gotten better at noticing my blessings and telling God thank you, I realize I've become neglectful in telling the people...


on Jan 7, 2022 in: Blogging

For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven: a time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted; a time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build u...

Our small parish had the same priest for about the first 20 years that we lived here. Father Joe founded the church, first holding Mass at a campground on Lake Travis. By the time he retired (in his 80's) the current church had been built, expanded,...

"If nothing ever changed, there would be no such things as butterflies." ~ Wendy Mass, The Candymakers I found this sign in a Florida thrift shop a couple of years ago. It's been hanging above my desk ever since, a good reminder that I need...

It is a glorious autumn day here in Long Hollow. The window behind my monitor is filled with cloudless blue sky and shimmering leaves of orange and gold. Tomorrow I will be focused on cooking and celebrating with a few of my kids, so today I'm indulg...

This is a repost originally published on my other blog almost 5 years ago. I was thinking about it this morning and felt it was a fitting tribute to those we are remembering on Memorial Day. I'm proud to say this young Airman is now my son-in-law. I...

Every morning Belle and I take a walk on our caliche road. We have a set path of about 1.5 miles. First we head in one direction where the road twists and turns and dips, then we backtrack past our house and up a short hill before turning around and...