Something (a little something to say, see and savor)

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Blog Tags:art, typography, paper, sculpture, fine art, illustration, something blog, flower photography, littlesomethings
Country:United States

This is my spot in the universe to bookmark everything I find interesting, fun, recycled, unusual, quilted, papered and painted. If it makes my eyes wobble around in delight, it makes it on to this blog.

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A place to rant

on Jul 20, 2024

I promise I am not trying to post political nonsense, but where is a girl to rant??So a couple of rants ... Ronny Jackson (yes, that one-man-pill-distribution center in the trump admin) signed a letter about trump's little ear mystery. I would l...

This about that

on Jul 19, 2024 in: personal, politics

The kids went on vacation for a couple of days and I enjoyed peace and quiet and lots of cleaning. I have been trying to avoid RNC but find myself catching up the only way I can for my mental health. I think Stephen as a good grasp on what's goi...

I binged watched as much of House of Dragons as I could. I did not realize they were rolling out episodes weekly, so I have to wait to see what happens in S2 E5. I hate it when they do that. I am not sure why I resisted watching House of Dragons...

Mirror, mirror, in a frame

on Jul 1, 2024 in: art

So I think someone hacked into my main email account, f*cking hackers. Still trying to figure it out and also what other damage they might have done.Improvements in English domestic glass production in the second half of the century coincided with th...

Complex textures of life

on Jun 26, 2024 in: art

The foster puppy is keeping us very busy ... not going to share doing what! That and doing dishes ... that has become my thing. And keeping the floors clean. In other words, just living in a clean environment is a full time job.I love the colors, the...

I think I am losing my mind, but then I wake up the next day with my mind intact! Why can't I just lose it and go on to the mental hospital? LOL I watched the most depressing show on Hulu last night about a woman who was an addict. You just know even...

I think I am losing my mind, but then I wake up the next day with my mind intact! Why can't I just lose it and go on to the mental hospital? LOL I watched the most depressing show on Hulu last night about a woman who was an addict. You just know even...