John Speaks

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Blog Tags:politics, religion, enbridge, haiku
State/Province:British Columbia

A place of humor, satire, poetry, activism and the occasional story

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A new place to read

on Dec 1, 2012

The process of collecting all of my writings is moving forward.  All of my poetry is now John Looks Out On Life and for all of my stories, rants and raves, and thoughts on Life, The Universe and Everything please drop by John Tells A Stor...

I don't know who thought this one out, but I believe that person deserves the Noble Peace Prize for humanity. Some peoples children, makes you wonder just how much better we can get...

New Blog Site

on Nov 25, 2012

Greetings one and all I have decided to expand my poetry a bit so from this point forth, any poetry I put together will be here John Looks Out On Life Please drop by and have a look and should it strike you, write a poem and send it to me and I wi...


on Nov 21, 2012

Caffine daily start Glucose to spike through the day Little pill to sleep...


on Nov 21, 2012

To lead One must first be able To follow...

Seasons In Flux

on Nov 21, 2012

He woke that morning The sky glazed over in gray Red leaves are falling...


on Nov 21, 2012

Off on and on off Data flowing back and forth Thougths and feelings flow...