Auld Reekie Rants

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Blog Tags:Edinburgh, Families, Grandchildren
Country:United Kingdom

The sometimes inane ramblings of a fortysomething citizen of Edinburgh, Scotland's beautiful capital city

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Back to School 2022

on Aug 24, 2022

 A wee bit late with this but the little people have returned to school for another term. Except some of them aren't little any more. Ava has now joined her big brother and sister at high school. Is it any wonder I've so little hair...?

 It’s 1914. One of the bloodiest conflicts the world has seen – described at the time as the ‘war to end all wars’ – breaks out in Europe. In Scotland, football continues and is seen by many as a welcome distraction from the horrors of...

Review: Sweet F.A.

on Aug 26, 2021

 Photo: Mike SmithA couple of years ago, in happier days for stage and theatre before Covid-19 struck and the world was plunged into dark times, there was an excellent stage production - A War of Two Halves - staged at Tynecastle Park, the home...

Back to School

on Aug 21, 2021

Back to school for the gang earlier this week. I wish their teachers well... ...

Edinburgh's Leaders

on Jul 6, 2021

Embra cooncillors: What can we replace this monstrosity with?                                        ...

 Winning, working women won’t you hear what we’ve tae say We work our hands unto the bones for a quarter less in pay We started our own football teams and showed them how to play But when we ask for equal rights we’re given Sweet F.A. &nbs...

Getting Older

on Feb 27, 2021

 The effect of lockdown on one's mental health is intensified at times you would usually share with family and loved ones. I commiserated celebrated the beginning of the final year of my fifties on Friday but the usual family gathering was preve...