The Sci-Fi Gene

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Blog Tags:science fiction, film, reviews, filmmaking, CGI, book, TV, sci-fi, independent
Country:United Kingdom

Part research institute, part support group for those who, like me, enjoy the best and worst of sci-fi. Come over for views and reviews of sci-fi film, TV, books as well as news of my (mis)adventures in CGI and amateur filmmaking

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While all the bear stuff is happening on all the social medias (#TeamBear) this is a good time to retrospectively review two bearsploitation movies released in 2023. Cocaine Bear (2023), directed by Elizabeth Banks, is loosely based on a real inci...

Two more theremin songs from Cricketers open mic: What A Wonderful World Moon River...

 A Whiter Shade Of Pale performed at Cricketers open mic night with John (vocal and guitar) and Steve (bass). I've been taking the LV4 out to some open mic nights hoping to get used to playing in front of people and with accompaniment.

For many years now, fans of TV crime drama and sometimes science fiction have been taking the piss out of episodes featuring image enhancement. You know the trope: "stop, that frame, now zoom in, can you enhance that?" and four pixels are sharpened i...

CONTAINS HUMAN-GENERATED CONTENTI’ve followed Gareth Edwards’ career with interest ever since his short film Factory Farmed won the Sci-Fi London 48 Hour Film Competition in 2008. He went on to make the low-budget feature Monsters, in which two j...

CONTAINS HUMAN-GENERATED CONTENTI've continued to watch the development of freely available Artificial Intelligence over the past few months, as well as experimenting with image generators and ChatGPT, and I'm also aware of the many controversies aro...

 Billy Joel's She's Always A Woman, performed on LV4.