Jafabrit's Art

Blog URL:http://jafabrit.blogspot.com/
Blog Tags:art, painting, drawing, contemporary embroider, photography, knit graffiti, Geurilla Street Art, retro crafts
Country:United States
Location:Yellow Springs

Meanderings of a Multi Media artist who paints, embroiders, crafts, yarnbombs, does textile graffiti, jafagirl team member, and runs a gallery in the local loo,

Latest Blog Posts

Hanging the Washing

on Jul 1, 2024

I have such lovely memories of hanging the washing on the line with my nana or mother back in the UK.  The smell of fresh crisp air with a slight breeze is etched in my mind, along with the specialness of sharing such an intimate moment of d...

Not the kind of brew that is fermented in a bottle or a barrel. NO! I am talking about tea.Why is Tea Important in British CultureOn my last visit to Ohio the first night were tornado warnings blaring. There was really no place for me to hid...

Fountain View Coffee ShopFountain Hills, Arizona               Do people really need to be reminded to be kind? I suppose many people who are not kind won't giv...

Art as Therapy

on Jun 4, 2024

Oil on woodGlass HousesThere is something very healing  about taking a negative situation or feeling and using art to get it out of your system. The icing on the top is when your art ends up visually representing exactly how you feel &nb...

 In many ways my mouse drawings and clay figures are autobiographical, or moments in  my imagined world as a child.  No, we didn't have a swing or a lantern like this as a child in the mining village. However I do remember...

Oil painting on wood of sketchbook on coffee table Back in the day when I was working full time in the business of being an artist I'd often hear that statement. Here I was working full time in my home studio and getting national  o...

This is me in the doctor's office I felt like getting my nail file out and sharpening my claws and giving him the death stare. I am 69, a child abuse survivor, a breast cancer survivor, hiker, swimmer, health food fan , and intermit...