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Blog Tags:Refined Theology, Christian Apologetics, Spiritual Lyrics, Sites To See, WhiteHeart, Crumbs, Come Monday Reviews, Single Shots
Country:United States

The purpose of this blog is to help clear-up much of the confusion that now exists concerning our Heavenly Father and the righteousness of all of His most awesome ways.

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Broken BranchesChristian Fiction Broken Branches is about a man with questions about his family tree being sent back in time to observe several branches of it.  ...

Let You Will Be DoneChristian FictionLet Your Will Be Done is about the life of Ezekiel Edward Erickson—both of his lives, actually.  For in the midst of a deadly struggle with bitterness and doubt, Zeke is given a very different kind of life...

In His Own WordsRefined Christian Apologetics In His Own Words was compiled in opposition to those who want to believe that the Apostle Paul wrote this and the Apostle John wrote that.  Just click on the cover to go to its page.

Ozsome!With each book I have read by Crystal Mary Lindsey, I learn a little more about why Ozzies are not bragging when they called their magnificent country the Land of Oz.  Cherished encounter is certainly no exception.  This book is a li...

The revised version of [The Crackerhead Chronicles] is has been released into the wild again.  If you have not already read at least some of it, it is an abbreviated account of my life so far.  The revised version has an added chapter.

MysteriousThe formatting for His Perfect Love is rather rough—certainly not what I have come to expect of a Kindle book.  Nonetheless, the plot flows smoothly.  It you like to read mysteries, this book is indeed mysterious.  Just cli...

The revised version of [A Love for the Ages] can now be read online at FishHawk Droppings.  The new and improved The Crackerhead Chronicles is scheduled for construction next.Please Also Visit[FishHawk Droppings]...

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