Our Plot at Green Lane allotments

Blog URL:http://glallotments.blogspot.com/
Blog Tags:gardening, allotment, wildlife, nature, vegetable, fruit, England, Yorkshire
Country:United Kingdom
Location:West Yorkshire

Read about the ups and downs of gardening on our allotment plot in West Yorkshire where we have had plots since the 1980's and our garden. As well as being keen gardeners we also enjoy the wildlife that share our gardening spaces with us.

Latest Blog Posts

Growth spurt

on Jul 1, 2024

The weather continues to vacillate. It seems to have become confused as to what season it is, so it keeps trying out different ones, seemingly trying to decide on the best fit.During the period of summery weather, the plants kicked their heels and sp...

Dastardly wood pigeons

on Jun 24, 2024

We had a taste of summer this week. Jumpers were cast in favour of tee shirts. However, in order not to tempt fate whenever we went out we had a supply of clothing ready for whatever weather we were likely to encounter.Plants have responded to the im...

Well behind

on Jun 17, 2024

Summer is obstinately still refusing to put in more than a fleeting appearance. No activities are planned without consulting various weather radars,  models and forecasts. The problem is that most seem no wiser than we are. The forecasts seem to...

Jumpers in June

on Jun 10, 2024

When we made the flippant comment, "That was probably our summer", after the one summery week in May, we were hoping that it wouldn't turn out to be prophetic. According to weather 'experts' May was the hottest on record. Really? That certainly wasn'...

May in pictures

on Jun 5, 2024

See moreSee moreCopyright: Original post from Our Plot at Green Lane Allotments http://glallotments.blogspot.co.uk/ author S Garrett Copyright: Original post from Our Plot at Green Lane Allotments http://glallotments.blogspot.co.uk/ author by S...

It's a battlefield

on Jun 3, 2024

When we first started allotmenting, it seemed to be a more peaceful way to spend time. We planted and, as long as we weeded and watered, things tended to grow. Tomatoes were grown outside but blight never affected them. As plots all around us were he...

Short and sweet

on May 27, 2024

Our spell of lovely summery weather was short-lived and we are back to dodging the rain.Despite the weather, we have managed to get on with work on the allotment. In the plot greenhouse, Martyn planted up the tomatoes  There only remains th...