Free Range Eggs

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Blog Tags:free range eggs, chickens, Maremma dogs
Location:Grantville, South Gippsland

Life on a free range egg farm

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  Some people wonder why diseases like avian influenza are allowed to infect so many birds on different properties. Well there is no mystery about it! Politicians have allowed highly intensive poultry facilities to be established. As a result of...

 There's more to chickens than just eggs and white meat. It took a while for scientists to work out how to simulate a bird flying into an aircraft engine at high speed. Firing a chicken carcass into an engine has been a regular feature of a...

 Claims by major egg producers that the current Victorian outbreaks of Avian Influenza had been caused by hens on freerange farms are false.The outbreaks around Lethbridge and Meredith have been on large, corporate businesses which cannot be com...

Beat the egg shortage

on Jun 7, 2024

 Shortages of eggs on supermarket shelves is almost certain to become more severe in Victoria as currently hens at five major production facilities have been hit by outbreaks of Avian nfluenza. The growing demand for freerange eggs can be met b...

  Financial scammers are raking in millions of dollars from gullible individuals – otherwise the scams wouldn’t continue - Here’s a couple of examples we received this week Woodforest National Bank Reply-To:

  Financial scammers are raking in millions of dollars from gullible individuals – otherwise the scams wouldn’t continue - Here’s a couple of examples we received this week Woodforest National Bank Reply-To:

  Financial scammers must be raking in millions of dollars from gullible individuals – otherwise the scams wouldn’t continue - Here’s a couple of examples we received this week Woodforest National Bank Reply-To: woodforestnationalbn...

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