My Goals Buddy

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Blog Tags:goals, goal setting, personal growth, personal development, positive attitude, self help, motivation, visualisation, successful living
Country:United Kingdom
State/Province:North Yorkshire

Features tips on successful living from some of the leading names in personal growth on both sides of the Atlantic.

My Goals Buddy also allows goal setters to declare their intentions publicly and to gain inspiration from what others have written.

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Although every day offers us an opportunity to begin our lives afresh, many people choose New Year to set resolutions for what they want to achieve because it is a clear threshold in time. But before putting pen to paper this year, it'...

Smiles better ... some of the biggest names in personal growth have kindly contributed their tips for success.My Goals Buddy is where you'll find tips for personal success straight from some of the biggest names in personal growth and self...

Lift off ... internal motivation has longer-lasting Mervin Straughan"If you think you're too small to have an impact, go to bed with a mosquito in the room."We've the late Dame Anita Roddick, humanitarian, British businesswoman and fou...

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