"Academic" Blogs & Blog Posts

Litter CritterLitter Critter

Book reviews from an academic lover of crime fiction


Academic news from a researcher in psychology of religion

Religion Compass ExchangesReligion Compass Exchanges

This is the companion forum to the on-line survey journal, Religion Compass...


Day-to-day notes of a Bohemian academia

A Quoi Ca Pense, Une Fee ?A Quoi Ca Pense, Une Fee ?

Personal blog of a rambling academic petrolhead and caffeine junkie

The Philosopher's EyeThe Philosopher's Eye

The Philosopher’s Eye is the companion forum to Wiley-Blackwell’s on-li...


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Academics face persecution in parts of the world where authoritarian governments rule, which makes the exploration of knowledge very difficult and can even lead to safety concerns for the academics. Thankfully there’s an organization, Scholars...

Last year, over 70 cadets were accused of cheating on a final math exam. Of those, 51 will repeat a year and eight have been expelled.

Have you ever wondered what it would take for a person to perform Street Fighter’s Tatsumaki Senpukyaku in real life? Or how loud the Dragonborn would have to shout to attract all those dragons in Skyrim? Or maybe if the scream energy used by the m...

The Art Of Storytelling In Business Communications And Public Relations. Techniques For Effective Business Communications. Nieman Lab published an article last week, “Even Smart People Are Shockingly Bad at Analyzing Sources Online,” that lives...

Researchers, scientists and academics around the world publish roughly 2.5 million scientific papers each year, on top of a backlog of more than 50 million papers dating back to 1665. Plus, the rate at which researchers publish these academic papers.

Boston University president Robert A. Brown has responded to the public backlash facing newly hired professor Dr. Saida Grundy over tweets about white masculinity in America that some interpreted as racist.Read more...

Right Wing Twitter is loudly outraging itself today over the tweets of Dr. Saida Grundy, a new African American Studies professor at Boston University who dared to imply that white people were responsible for slavery and called “white college age m...