"Agoraphobia" Blogs & Blog Posts

Depression Anxiety An Panic AttacksDepression Anxiety An Panic Attacks

Anyone who has suffered from Depression, Anxiety and Panic Attacks knows on...

My wife has agoraphobia and my son is autisticMy wife has agoraphobia and my son is autistic

How agoraphobia and autism affect a slightly unusual composite family(?)


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The word “phobia” is often used frequently to describe a general fear, in the same way “bipolar” gets thrown around to describe someone’s mood swing or “OCD” is used to reference someone’s dedication to cleaning. Like bipolar or obses...

Ever watch a game and you’re sure that one player out on the field just has their circuits short out for a second? Their brain becomes the rainbow pinwheel of frustration as things fail to load? It can happen to all of us. It just doesn’t happen...

Hello, I am a television executive and I’m here to give you some great news. Remember that character you loved as a child from that show you would watch after school? Yes, the plucky one who you cheered for because you would imagine yourself being...

Agoraphobia has limited Jacqui Kenny's ability to travel long-distance, but she found a new way to see the world: virtually.

I think we’re alone now. There doesn’t seem to be anyone around.Read more...

The girls from Galician indie / garage rock band Agoraphobia chat to editor Mary at the Sounds from Spain showcase. The post SXSW 2015 Interview: Agoraphobia appeared first on There Goes The Fear, a UK/US Music Web site.

Back to the summer of 2010.  Marie was pretty down, but we had a new resident to make her life more interesting.Regular readers will know that Marie & I are hosts to Austrian students every summer.  They attend a two-week summer school...