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In this video, a cat makes a poor decision regarding a jump, causing a chain reaction of absolute pandemonium. When you think it is over, it just keeps going. Two cats decide to fight each other in the middle of the chaos. — Read the rest The...

I'm a bit of a insomniac and often to listen to audiobooks at night. I eventually drift off and sometimes have to backtrack the next night to see what I missed. But this wasn't the case with Dry  by Neal Shusterman and Jarrod Shusterman.&nb...

We’ll be reporting from Cleveland all week and live-blogging each night. Check out all our dispatches from the GOP convention here. CLEVELAND — Frank Becker, a Cleveland resident, says he’s not voting in the presidential election in Novembe...

Yesterday, Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein revealed how deeply afraid he is of our current scary “moment in history” in which Bernie Sanders’ proposals are being taken seriously. Perhaps Lloyd Blankfein lacks some historical perspective.Read...

Look, anarchists are terrible. America should restore the old policy of deporting foreign anarchists, and jailing domestic ones. It’s a dangerous ideology and should not be treated as legitimate. That said, Dianne Feinstein is an idiot. Sh...

They’re always telling us Tor is so great because it’s used by foreign dissidents and all that, yet the anarchists keep using it to commit crimes, and the Tor mavens do nothing to stop it. And they wonder why Tor has a perception problem.

Delay, obfuscate, distract. The anarchists are doing everything they can to try to keep Silk Road drug ring founder Ross Ulbricht from facing justice. His lawyers want his trial delayedThe post Tech at Night: Anarchists attempt to intimidate the Silk...