"Anger Management" Blogs & Blog Posts

Angry in L.A.Angry in L.A.

Anger Management stories, anger management techniques, Information on anger...

Hypnotherapy OnlineHypnotherapy Online

A comprehensive look at Hypnotherapy all aspects of inductions methods, NLP...


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A gentleman in Seattle was irate on Tuesday when he heard how much his drive-thru coffee was going to cost. So instead of either paying or returning the coffee and driving away, he argued, threatened her, and then threw his coffee at the server in th...

We’re not even three weeks into 2022, but there’s already plenty to be angry about. In fact, that’s been the case for a long time now—especially during the last two years of living through a global pandemic. Read more...

When she feels an urge to lash out on social media, writer Melissa Petro uses this plan to ensure she gets back to work and her long to-do list.

There's a lot to be angry about these days.  For instance: A pandemic that has stolen more than 166,000 American lives (and counting), a government unwilling to act to prevent more death, officials pushing to re-open schools despite a deadly vir...

Whether it's a meditation app or looking at puppy videos, much of today's technology focuses on replacing your negative feelings with positive ones. But what if you want to act on all your feelings of anger, sadness and anxiety -- in a heal...

Imagine, for a moment, you are Alec Baldwin. You flew into a rage so onerous, over someone taking your parking spot in Greenwich Village, that you’re arrested and later sentenced to court-mandated anger management. Might this give you some pause? C...

The first formal modern anger room was Donna Alexander's 2008 experiment on Chicago's south side, where customers paid $5 to smash things she'd found set out on neighborhood curbs on garbage days -- now Alexander runs a 1,000 square foot business cal...