"Antarctica" Blogs & Blog Posts


Ramblings from Tom about Antarctica, New Zealand, Colorado and the World...


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Tourists in a submersible witnessed a rarely seen giant phantom jellyfish during a Viking cruise to Antarctica. The ships marry luxury and science.

In 2001, divers made history when they ventured inside iceberg B15, the largest moving object on Earth at that time. They barely escaped alive.

Researchers in search of the colossal squid took Antarctic cruises, hoping to film and learn more about the elusive, rarely seen sea creature.

Emperor penguin chicks begin to shed their fluffy down at about five months old in preparation for a life spent primarily in the water. The adults stop feeding the chicks when they begin to molt, so they are eventually driven by hunger and instinct t...

My husband and I visited all seven continents and were blown away by places like Florence, Italy, the Antarctic Peninsula, and the Sahara Desert.

The Thwaites glacier is melting. Scientists will test underwater curtains to prevent the 'doomsday' glacier's total collapse and subsequent flooding.

There's another missing submersible: Scientists lost contact with a $3.6M sub revolutionizing climate science near Antarctica's "Doomsday Glacier."...