"Asbestos Surveys" Blogs & Blog Posts

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Volunteer-based organisations and the asbestos threat Asbestos is a constant danger – particularly in older buildings. So it was little surprise when the substance was found in a partition wall at the Valleys cinema in Brynmawr, Wales. Built in 189...

Historical Asbestos Exposure Continues To Create Headlines Although asbestos exposure is most commonly associated with industries that are involved in the direct handling of the substance, virtually anyone working in a pre-1999 building is at some ri...

Never overlook Asbestos Surveys There are 4,500 deaths a year in the UK alone from asbestos in the workplace.  That’s 86 workers and tradesmen every week. It’s a heavy-hitter, not to be taken lightly. The sad thing is most of these deaths happen...

Value Asbestos Surveys In the UK alone, more than 4,500 people die from asbestos related illnesses, making asbestos the single most dangerous killer in the construction industry. Some of the dangerous diseases related to asbestos contamination includ...

Value an Asbestos Survey Imagine having to shut down your entire workplace indefinitely, without warning. It’s a frightening prospect, but something many business owners have to face when asbestos is found on the premises.  It’s estimated that o...

It may sound like a health and safety myth, but reports that schools have been banned from displaying First World War helmets and gas masks in class have turned out to be completely true. The National Association of Head Teachers (NAHT) has confirmed...

Asbestos was used in old vehicle brakes and clutches, building materials, floor tiles, friction products, textiles, and insulation for pipes. It is in the construction industry and ship building and repair. It is used in a variety of products due to...