"Brand You" Blogs & Blog Posts

Wake Up TigerWake Up Tiger

In a world dominated by rational goals and common sense, we have not only f...


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A question that makes you think about your self and your life is a question worth asking.Here is my list of Questions for YOU -- thought provoking questions to get YOUR mind moving and YOUR heart racing:The Question QuestionDo you ask quest...

The Industrial Age started about 200 years ago. It laid the foundations and principles of our schooling, our workday, our economy, and our expectations.Today we are still surrounded by the ways of the Industrial Age. By the expectations, beliefs, and...

I edit for a living. Actually, that’s not true. I am a brand strategist. And at the beginning of every big project I amass a vast array of information, ideas and opinions.My job, as the brand strategist, is to clear away the clutter, expose the tru...

create your own

By Wake Up Tiger on Mar 16, 2014 in: love, success

The problem, often not discovered until late in life, is that when you look for things in life like love, meaning, motivation, it implies they are sitting behind a tree or under a rock waiting to be found.The most successful people realise that in li...

By Wake Up Tiger on Nov 5, 2013 in: success

Work  The thought once occurred to me that if one wanted to crush and destroy a man entirely, to mete out to him the most terrible punishment, one at which the most fearsome murderer would tremble, shrinking from it in advance, all one would ha...


By Wake Up Tiger on Oct 31, 2013 in: energy

Courage  The word courage is interesting. It comes from a Latin root cor, which means "heart". So to be courageous means to live with your heart.   Only weaklings live with their head; afraid, they build a world of logic around thems...

shake the dust

By Wake Up Tiger on Aug 21, 2013 in: energy

This is for the fat girls. This is for the timid boys.This is for the school-yard wimps, this is for the childhood bullies who tormented them.This is for the nighttime cereal eaters and for the retired, elderly Vinnies store front door greeters.Sha...