"Canadian" Blogs & Blog Posts

Dawg's BlawgDawg's Blawg

A progressive blog on culture and politics, with emphasis on Canada. Occasi...


Canadian Interiors blog

Life with CanuckleheadLife with Canucklehead

The blog of Canucklehead. Slightly more fun than a barrel of well-armed a...


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From Goodreads ~ Every family has its secrets. In 1935, Hannah Parsons left her home in Bonavista Bay, Newfoundland, at the age of seventeen to work in service for Charles and Virginia Sinclair, a wealthy St. John’s family. While working for t...

From Goodreads ~ After drone specialist and newly-licensed private investigator Cody Marshall assists police in preventing the kidnapping of a young boy, his first official case is being hired by the boy's father to delve into why the child was taken...

From Goodreads ~ Essays recounting Canadian author Harry Bruce's love affair with the fascinating, historic, quirky city of Halifax, Nova Scotia. Though I've never lived in Halifax (my sister does), I'm originally from Nova Scotia and that's why this...

From Goodreads ~ Keisha Ceylon is a psychic. At least, that's what she passes herself off as. The truth is, Keisha's real powers have more to do with separating troubled families from their money than actually seeing into the netherworld. Keisha watc...

From Goodreads ~ How would you react in a life-or-death situation? It’s a question everyone asks themselves but few have to face in real life. English teacher Richard Boyle certainly never thought he would find himself talking down a former studen...

From Goodreads ~ A missing child is every parent’s worst nightmare. For journalist Corina Corado, it’s a terrifying reality. When six-year-old Gabriel vanishes from Central Park, his mother, news anchor Corina Corado, is desperate for answer...

From Goodreads ~ Police academy burnout turned private eye Patrick Bird works divorce cases, using his camera to catch the unfaithful and the lonely looking for love in rented rooms. But his easy routine is shattered by a new case involving a missing...