"Commute" Blogs & Blog Posts

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Kyle Rice works for an EMS software company based in Manhattan, but he lives in Wilmington, Delaware. He says his commute is worth the high salary.

'Super commuting' is on the rise — and that spells big trouble for mid-size cities.

A grad student at the University of California in Berkeley, known as Bill, recently completed his 10-month civil engineering program by commuting from Los Angeles to the San Francisco Bay Area by plane instead of settling for sky-high rents. Bill sha...

Sophia Celentano, who is currently interning at Ogilvy Health, said on LinkedIn that her flights are cheaper than "paying $3400+ a month for rent."...

The pandemic allowed many people to reclaim the time spent commuting twice a day, and now many don't want to get back in the car or on the train.

Walking, biking, and taking transit are inconvenient for most people in Phoenix, but the mayor says she has a 35-year plan to fix it.

It could be time to move again as wages in cities rise faster and it costs more for rural residents to fill the gas tank.