"Conservatives" Blogs & Blog Posts

Man in a ShedMan in a Shed

A Conservative since 1973 when I learnt that socialism makes the lights go ...


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Iowa lawmakers recently voted to ban basic income programs. But one such program says it'll continue using private funds.

Clinton said Democrats were "taken by surprise" by the Supreme Court's Dobbs decision and the tenacity of anti-abortion conservatives.

In her upcoming book No Going Back, South Dakota Governor and conservative Christian adulteress Kristi Noem describes how she killed her 14-month-old wirehaired pointer dog named Cricket. "I hated that dog," she wrote, explaining that she led the you...

Former Colorado Republican Rep. Ken Buck has had some choice words for House Republicans since leaving Congress last month.

Only nine states offer universal free school lunch. A Republican congressional caucus wants to make free school lunch need based.

Newsom vigorously fought back against a 2021 recall effort and voters overwhelmingly chose "no" on the question of whether he should've been recalled.

Ballerina Farm, run by Utah-based mother-of-eight Hannah Neeleman, has gained seven million followers since 2022 — the year Roe v. Wade was overturned.