"Creating" Blogs & Blog Posts

Elli Moody - IllustrationElli Moody - Illustration

Illustration, design, family, life - this blog follows the isnpiration behi...


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Netherlands-based designer Diego Faivre customizes power boards using a unique air-drying clay he calls ‘Diego-Dough.’ Read more...More about Art, Technology, Mashable Video, Colorful, and Creating...

by Susan Stephenson, www.thebookchook.comA regular feature on The Book Chook is where I look at popular articles from previous months and years. Today my focus will be on posts from, you guessed it, April, May and June of 2018. Don't forget you can u...

by Susan Stephenson, www.thebookchook.comBecause the Children’s Book Week theme for 2019 in Australia is “Reading is my Secret Power”, I’ve brainstormed some prompts that use the idea of a “secret power” to nudge kids towards some kind of...

by Susan Stephenson, www.thebookchook.com Children’s Book Week in Australia is August 17 - 23, 2019. The theme this year is Reading is My Secret Power. Here are some prompts to start discussions with kids:🔆 How can reading be a power? 🔆 How...

by Susan Stephenson, www.thebookchook.comHere is the latest in my Creative Prompt Series. You can to link to all my creative prompts via the list embedded below. Today I want kids to start with a dinosaur, or the idea of a dinosaur, and use that as t...

by Susan Stephenson, www.thebookchook.comThis year, the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) and the Library and Information Association of New Zealand Aotearoa (LIANZA) has chosen Alpacas with Maracas as the National Simul...

by Susan Stephenson, www.thebookchook.comMy Creative Prompt Series has lots of ideas that nudge kids towards some kind of creativity. You can see all the Prompts embedded below. Today I want children to start with the idea or concept of a machine, o...