"Creative Writing" Blogs & Blog Posts

Humour, Ideas and OpinionsHumour, Ideas and Opinions

This is a blog created by Warren Brown, a freelance writer and Entrepreneur...

Lulu UnlimitedLulu Unlimited

Short stories just for the fun of it...stop by and meet Lulu's Friends...

Easy Street PromptsEasy Street Prompts

Daily creative prompts for writers and artists and a monthly magazine of th...


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Before PCs and word processors, coin-operated typewriters were am option for people who couldn't afford their own machines. You could find them in places like train stations, libraries, and hotels. These typewriters offered a pay-as-you-go typing ser...

Attention, distracted writers: Nick Sjolinder's BYOK is a single focus-writing gadget that hooks up to a keyboard and displays text and text alone. There's four lines of it on-screen, buttons to scroll up and down what you've written. It's charged wi...


 Visit the Creativity School and enroll onto the "Prolific Creative Writing Course."Join Creativity School - The School of Creative Writing...

 It is possible to earn money writing online.Subscribe to my YouTube Channel for more on Making Money Writing Articles, Stories and Poems on Mediumhttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUN9m5kBNothmQO1jI1CEBQ...

The Clarion Writer's Workshop is a prestigious breeding ground of sorts for science fiction and fantasy writers. Certainly no one has to go to Clarion to succeed in the field, but a lot of brilliant and award-winning genre writers have gone through t...

 Mystic Inspiration Prompts for Writers.The Writer’s muse. Open your imagination and creativity. Discover your writing powers. Tap into your subconscious creativity. Your writing will change the world. Choose a prompt a day, at random or in nu...