"Cremation" Blogs & Blog Posts

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Grave sites and their markers are an important part of our heritage. They ...


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Scattering the ashes of a cremated relative at a place they loved in life can be a powerful and poetic experience, provided the place they loved isn’t Yankee stadium.Read more...

The American death industry is a racket. Everything is overpriced. The average coffin will cost between $2,000–$5,000, and according to some sources, the cost of a cremation averages between $4,000 and $7,000 per body—and that’s not including...

Whatever you think is waiting for us all at the end of our lives, there’s one undeniable universal truth: After you die, someone is going to be left with a large bill. The average cost of a burial is close to $8,000, and the average cost of a crema...

Justin Crowe said ashes can be a persistent form of guilt and frustration for loved ones. For $595, his company will turn them into "parting stones."...

The Loved One Launcher is a handheld cannon for scattering ashes with great impact. Powered by two CO2 cartridges, it apparently can shoot the powdery remains more than 70 feet into the air. You can even add confetti and streamers to the mix "for a d...

You’re going to die one day. The end of your life is coming and you may not know how, when, or why it will happen, but you can be certain it will. While that’ll be the end for you, your death can be the beginning of life for any number of other o...

Not all advice need be professional. Sometimes your problems merit a bit of unvarnished honesty from a dude equipped with nothing more than a computer and a conscience. Luckily for you, I’m that guy. Welcome back to Tough Love.Read more...