"Current Events" Blogs & Blog Posts

Embodiedspace: Traces on the Anthropocenic ShoreEmbodiedspace: Traces on the Anthropocenic Shore

Geography, geographic imagination, place, culture, social sciences, politic...

Real Life. Real Perspectives.Real Life. Real Perspectives.

As my personal blog does now, PMW will feature a creative fusion of the hot...

From My PerspectiveFrom My Perspective

i blog about everything from what's going on in my life to currents ev...


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Now that baseball's politically correct brain trust has moved this year's all star game out of the recalcitrant state of Georgia, they are free to play in a place that shares the values that the enlightened executives responsible for demolishing prof...

It is rumored that somewhere in the back country there are pockets of Democrats that still believe in truth, justice, and the American way.  There have been sightings, they say. Grainy photographs supposedly exist that show smiling Democrats waving...

With the Executive Branch back in the red hands of the unjust, the scales of justice are once again about to be manipulated by the weighty thumbs of left wing jurists and lawyerly activists. Merrick Garland, the new Attorney General, is about as even...

The Bait and Switch presidency of Biden/Harris--illegal in states that recognize the Deceptive Trade Practices Act--is moving into Phase II, concomitant with old Joe's rapid descent into full blown senility. Harris, manifestly unqualified to lead any...

The only people Pelosi and Schumer et al want within a hundred miles of the Capitol are, of course,  fellow travelers, illegal aliens, media sycophants, and possibly RuPaul's drag queen retinue.  The 71 million citizens who voted for Donald Trump a...

“Divorce is hard, but it’s easier than cutting the brake lines on your wife’s car. It is long past time for an amicable divorce of the United States of America. There is simply no common ground with the Left anymore. … Continue readin...

Now, before the shouts of, “there’s the bandwagon, get on board quick” start, let’s just be honest and admit that we all knew that a whole pandemic/COVID-19/lockdown-themed genre would be arriving before too long. Love In Dangerous Times isn...