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We shove Alinksky’s fifth rule — “ridicule is man’s most potent wea...

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Abigail Disney, Walt Disney's grandniece and a longtime Democratic donor, has given more than $50,000 to left-leaning political groups in 2024 so far.

First a cold, then bad prep, and now jet lag. Here's a list of all the reasons that Democrats have given to explain Biden's bad debate performance.

Yes, President Biden did not have a good debate. But the media is acting like it's the end of the world. They continue to talk about Biden as though he was some kind of doddering dementia patient. Most of them know its not true, but they do the count...

While Democrats scramble to control the damage after Joe Biden's poor debate performance, the president says he will stay in the race.

In wake of last night's debate debacle, Democrats understandably woke up in a panic this morning. Or rather, went to bed in a panic last night. In either case, Morning Joe's Mika Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough woke up in rare form today, channeling t...

Joe Biden's age has fueled concerns about a second term. Here are seven key Democrats who could step in if Biden exits the 2024 presidential race.

 From the Economic Policy Institute:Key findingsSince 1949, there has been a Democratic advantage in the average performance of key macroeconomic indicators measuring economic health, including: Gross Domestic Produ...