"Earth Science" Blogs & Blog Posts

Ancient DiggerAncient Digger

Learning from the past while digging in the present. A journal and educatio...


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GOES-U is a weather satellite, the fourth and last of the GOES-R series of satellites operated by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.Post from: OrbitalHub...

PACE Separation

By OrbitalHub on Feb 29, 2024 in: Videos

Plankton, Aerosol, Cloud, ocean Ecosystem (PACE) is a NASA Earth-observing satellite mission that will be used to identify the extent and duration of phytoplankton blooms and improve understanding of air quality.Post from: OrbitalHub...

PACE Launch

By OrbitalHub on Feb 28, 2024 in: Videos

Plankton, Aerosol, Cloud, ocean Ecosystem (PACE) is a NASA Earth-observing satellite mission that will continue and advance observations of global ocean color, biogeochemistry, and ecology, as well as the carbon cycle, aerosols and clouds.Post from:...

The 2023 Antarctic ozone hole reached its maximum size at 10 million square miles, or 26 million square kilometers, on Sept. 21, which ranks as the 16th largest since 1979, according to annual satellite and balloon-based measurements made by NASA and...

SWOT mission is a satellite altimeter jointly developed and operated by NASA and CNES, the French space agency, in partnership with the Canadian Space Agency (CSA) and UK Space Agency (UKSA).Post from: OrbitalHub...

Scientists believe that in 250 million years, all continents of the Earth will be bunched together in one supercontinent, Pangaea Ultima. Link to the article in Nature here. Earth's next supercontinent – Pangaea Ultima – will likely be 9...

The source of salt in the ocean is from rocks on land. Carbon dioxide in rainwater corrodes rocks as it wends its way to the ocean, bringing with dissolved minerals. According to the United States Geological Survey, "The two ions that are present mos...