"Ecology" Blogs & Blog Posts

Gardening with the MoonGardening with the Moon

Gardening with the Moon is a fortnightly column about Biodynamic gardening....

Nature around MeNature around Me

In our daily life we come into contact with nature. This may be in the form...

RecycleBill's RecycleblogRecycleBill's Recycleblog

All things green, bad and ugly, the official blog the for RecyclBills.com L...


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When Ecuador's navy seized a Chinese-flagged ship off the Galapagos Islands in 2017, its hold brimmed with tons and tons of poached fish, many of them threatened species like hammerhead and thresher sharks.

On a vast farm in Kenya's Rift Valley, a veterinarian carefully takes aim before shooting a tranquiliser dart and sending another giraffe sinking slowly to the ground before it is roped and blindfolded.

Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) are having a positive spillover effect, producing more "trophy-size" fish just outside of the fully protected areas, and the effect is growing stronger over time. That's according to research led by University of Hawaiʻ...

Coastal wetlands, situated at the junction of land and water, are vital ecosystems known for their high productivity. They play a key role in carbon sequestration, storm buffering, and providing habitats for diverse species. However, these critical a...

Wandering atop a small sand dune in central Mauritania, Aliene Haimoud gazed despondently at the yellowing date palms before him –- the trees are dying if they are not already dead.

The baby loggerhead sea turtles emerged from their eggshells and began their first challenge in life: a wobbly dash across the sand to the moonlit waters of Turkey's Mediterranean coast—sometimes with a helping hand from volunteers.

It's a Thursday morning in the tourism hub of Ayia Napa on the southeast coast of Cyprus, and three divers in wetsuits are gluing coral fragments onto numbered pins.