"Economics" Blogs & Blog Posts

Forum for Stable CurrenciesForum for Stable Currencies

The Forum for Stable Currencies is a voluntary initiative of parliamentaria...

Paul KrugmanPaul Krugman

Nobel Prize winner for economics

Enforcement of Bank of England Act 1694Enforcement of Bank of England Act 1694

This blog attempts to act as magnet for 'us the people' in the fa...

Unfashionably EconomicUnfashionably Economic

Random thoughts from a Ph.D economics student, covering current events and ...

The ThinkerThe Thinker

Critical thinking, applied to social, political, economic, and technical is...

The Rogue EconomistThe Rogue Economist

A mix of popular economics and personal finance with all the technical jarg...

Real Reform - The Robin Smith InstituteReal Reform - The Robin Smith Institute

Swapping out rent seeking for wealth creation


Posting Frequency on "economics"


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Back in April 2023, Goldman Sachs released an investment report titled, "Generative AI could raise global GDP by 7%." At the time, the financial giant claimed that "advances in natural language processing work" could potentially "lift productivity gr...

 The following is part of an op-ed by economist Paul Krugman in The New York Times:The United States government is more than $34 trillion in debt. Did you know that our government owes $34 trillion? That’s $34 trillion!Whenever I write ab...

In The Moral Economy of the Shire Nathan Goldwag teases out the things about Hobbit life that J.R.R. Tolkien smoothed over but surely intended: that under the surface tension of rural utopia are the hard lives of tenant farmers and a complex cultural...

For 35 years, Egyptians have paid 5 piastres for bread. Now, President Sisi's government has elected to increase the price of subsidized bread to 20 piastres. An increase in a food staple like bread tends to lead to civil unrest, as seen before in E...

The chart above is from a Harris Poll done for The Guardian. It was done between May 10th and 12th of a nationwide sample of 2,119 U.S. adults. Sadly, it shows that a huge segment of the U.S. population doesn't seem to understand economics (and...

"The US government can't go bankrupt because we can print our own money," Jared Bernstein asserts with unwavering confidence in an interview for economist Stephanie Kelton's upcoming documentary, Finding the Money. The confidence is well earned. Afte...

 Many workers are unhappy with the economy - especially rural workers. They see the rich getting richer while they struggle with an inadequate wage that isn't keeping up with inflation. And they are right. We have a very unfair economy!But too m...