"Energy" Blogs & Blog Posts

RecycleBill's RecycleblogRecycleBill's Recycleblog

All things green, bad and ugly, the official blog the for RecyclBills.com L...

Forced GreenForced Green

Living a Natural Life in an Industrial World

Things Are GoodThings Are Good

Good news from around the world, let's celebrate the good side of life...

Instant FeelgoodInstant Feelgood

Instant Feelgood helps people achieve their fitness and health goals, wheth...

Caffeinated VeinsCaffeinated Veins

All caffeine-related news


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It seems like every company in the world right now is eager to push their large-language modeling algorithms as a brilliant innovation in the realm of generative general artificial intelligence. That includes Alphabet, whose primary tool (and origina...

Ukraine's air force said Russia launched 16 missiles and 13 drones in the attack, targeting a number of different regions.

Bill Gates and other tech leaders are promoting nuclear energy as a clean solution to the country's power needs, especially as AI development amps up.

The country's top central banker, Elvira Nabiullina, has hiked interest rates up to 16% to tame inflation.

How an underground maze of abandoned steam pipes can save America's cities...

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said in April that attacking Russian oil refineries risked impacting global energy markets.

In the ongoing war caused by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine power plants have been attacked by both sides to hurt military and civilian operations. Beyond the obvious horrors of war the loss of power generation makes heating homes more challengin...