"Etfs" Blogs & Blog Posts

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The increasingly divided political scene in America has spilled over into the stock market with the MAGA and DEMZ ETFs.

"There's no free lunch here, so a cap of right around 9.65% is what we're seeing now, with 100% protection over the next 365 days," Calamos said.

Index funds are mutual funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs) that have one simple goal: To mirror the market or a portion of it. For example, an S&P 500 index fund tracks the collective performance of the hundreds of companies in the S&P 500.

Are you looking for the next big thing in the stock market? There’s a chance it’s hiding among the small caps, because these smaller companies often remain overlooked by investors. One way to gain exposure to the entire segment of the market is t...

Investors are stuck in a perpetual boom-and-bust cycle where they put money into bitcoin every few years, only to get burned by a price crash.

The Securities and Exchange Commission has approved the applications of 11 spot bitcoin ETFs in a highly anticipated decision that will make it much easier for people to dabble in cryptocurrency investing without directly buying and holding bitcoin.

"The most important thing that happened this year in bitcoin is Larry Fink," Galaxy Digital CEO Mike Novogratz said.