"Ethics" Blogs & Blog Posts

Blunt & DisorderlyBlunt & Disorderly

Reflections on religion, science politics and human rights from a liberal p...

Freedom and FlourishingFreedom and Flourishing

This blog explores links between freedom (liberty) and human flourishing


Posting Frequency on "ethics"


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The chart above reflects the results of the Economist / YouGov Poll -- done between June 16th and 18th of a nationwide sample of 1,600 adults (including 1,396 registered voters). The margin of error is 3.2 points for adults, and 3.1 points for regist...

 The following post is by Dan Rather:No one has ever cast their ballot  for Samuel Alito. Ditto Clarence Thomas. Or any Supreme Court justice. They are nominated by the president and confirmed by the Senate, then guaranteed a job for life.

ChatGPT sparked a generative AI frenzy in the corporate workplace. Efforts to implement that technology responsibly, however, haven't kept up.

Thomas did not take part in arguments remotely, an option that justices sometimes use when they're sick or unable to attend in-person, per The AP.

What am I going to do? I'm both an Accelerationist and a Doomer! For the uninitiated, some very smart people believe AI tech is going to usher in a better world filled with wondrous scientific breakthroughs and that collectively we (tech gods, govern...

I've always been partial to the Stoic philosophers. Something about their approach to life has always resonated with me: "The Stoic virtues of Courage, Temperance, Justice, and Wisdom offer a timeless roadmap to living a life of purpose and integrity...

The charts above are from the Gallup Poll - done between December 1st and 20th of a nationwide sample of 1,013 adults, with a 4 point margin of error. ...