"Family Life" Blogs & Blog Posts

Elli Moody - IllustrationElli Moody - Illustration

Illustration, design, family, life - this blog follows the isnpiration behi...

No wriggling out of writing womanNo wriggling out of writing woman

I am a 40 something wife and mother of two teenagers 4 years ago I was dia...


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Laundry and gathering go hand in hand these Spring days. I recorded this moment for prosperity yesterday. A posie of dandelions, a sprinkling of jacarandas and handfuls of mulberries speak of our unruly lawn, the purple giant that looms over our neig...

With Bill and Callista off on their adventure to Panama I got to enjoy some alone time at the house. Sometimes you only think you're alone. In the restroom the other morning I kept hearing a strange sound. Then all of a sudden something jumped out fr...

    John Wooden wrote, “The greatest thing a father can do for his children is love their mother.” I know from experience in a large family that having parents who love each other is crucial to a child. Among my earliest memories is wai...

Earlier on this week we decided to go to the local shopping centre to pick up some craft supplies and maybe a gift or two. Mike and I loaded up the minibus with the two double buggies and the nine youngest children and set off. As is quite usual no...

During his Autumn Statement yesterday, George Osborne announced that around 40% of two year olds would be able to receive 15 hours of free nursery education per week in order to help their parents get back to work. The government plans to increase...

Triplets?! The photo above was taken yesterday when the twins turned sixteen days old.  Where did those two weeks go?  It's frightening how quickly time is flying by. I'm still in a state of shock and awe at being blessed with twins. &nbs...