"Free Markets" Blogs & Blog Posts

Unfashionably EconomicUnfashionably Economic

Random thoughts from a Ph.D economics student, covering current events and ...


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Sure, gas prices are stupid high at the moment; oil is high but coming down (and the government should do some short-term patching up for those on lowest incomes to help them through), but I have faith that 'capitalism' and 'free markets' will sort t...

We (or maybe just me?) got ourselves into a long discussion on an earlier post that rather lost its way.  So I thought I'd try to make a bit clearer the point I was trying to make.  First of all I would expect that all of you know about the...

From Business Insider:European markets rocketed upwards today on some sudden and positive hints of a Greek bailout deal at today's emergency European summit.The Greek government is trying to negotiate a billions of euros in bailout money, and for the...

From City AM:To those who say that Labour is anti-markets, Balls replies: “We have shown a huge understanding of how the markets work. Markets are really powerful in driving incentives but you need to write the rules of the game. Without them you g...

There is an insane belief fostered e.g. by the Tory Party that the private sector always does everything better than the private sector. The Labour Party says the opposite. I'm using the word 'government' in a vague sort of sense, you could say 'the...

Dr. Scott Gottlieb, a resident fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, writes in the Wall Street Journal that ObamaCare is positively crushing independent physicians, very much by design.  The horde of little collectivist grubers who boiled...

Following on from the debate surrounding encouraging local people to allow fracking, the US is held up as a paragon of free market virtue.Here's what Lynn had to say in The Telegraph."To create the kind of vibrant, fast-growing industry that has slas...