"Freedom" Blogs & Blog Posts


semi original musings of insipid insightfulness


Annoying people online since 2000.


A blog concerned about social justice, the environment, and politics. I hop...


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3 years have passed since the Stockholm band's debut and I can safely say that in these 3 years no other album has been played so often on my record player or streamed in my car.   For me, the self-titled debut is one of the finest rock albums...

 On Thursday night, President Biden went on TV to speak to the nation. Here is what he said:Good evening, my fellow Americans.We’re facing an inflection point in history. One of those moments where the decisions we make today are going to dete...

We recently brought you news of the new MAGA anthem that producer Jimmy Levy has dubbed "the MAGA We Are The World." The song, "Freedom," is an autotune nightmare that features musical geniuses such as Trump Latinos ("Billboard Ch...

Feast your eyes and ears on this spectacle of "patriotism" recently released by rapper/gospel singer Jimmy Levy—who rose to fame in MAGA circles earlier this year for his anti-LGBTQ song "Boycott Target." The new song—which Levy says fe...

“Everybody at the time was like, how did these two idiots become so bloody massive?” George Michael reflects in a voice over in Wham!, the new Netflix documentary about the relatively short-lived duo that served as a launchpad for his superstardo...

America had a good run. It survived a civil war, two world wars, a great depression, and McCarthyism. But all good things come to an end. Kristi Noem, South Dakota's very stable genius governor, told Fox News that America is doomed unless everyone st...

Claudia Conway, the 18-year-old daughter of former President Donald Trump’s White House counselor Kellyanne Conway and attorney George Conway (who are going through a divorce), has become a Playboy bunny—well, in a very 2023 way. Read more...