"Investing" Blogs & Blog Posts


Personal finance blog with occasional complex dissections of investing stra...

Budget SnobBudget Snob

A blog about personal finance, investing, and budgeting.

ActiveETFs | InFocusActiveETFs | InFocus

ActiveETFs | InFocus is the only site on the web to provide the most extens...


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Writer Jen Glantz wants to retire a millionaire so she asked financial planners exactly what steps to take right now, in her 30s, to make that happen.

A new Bank of America survey finds three quarters of younger investors don't believe they can achieve above-average returns with stocks and bonds.

Saving just enough to live on $30,000 a year for the next 50 or 60 years is not a smart strategy for a comfortable retirement, writes Eric Roberge.

Young stock traders are relying on astrology, tarot cards, and lunar cycles to guide their moves.

To give your grandkids money without clearing out your 401(k), considering saving for their education, or making them your life insurance beneficiary.

"Sitting on the sidelines places investors in a position where they are frustrated by good news, and might even hope for bad news so markets decline."...

"Sitting on the sidelines places investors in a position where they are frustrated by good news, and might even hope for bad news so markets decline."...