"Ipod" Blogs & Blog Posts

Pink Flamingo Swizzle StickPink Flamingo Swizzle Stick

The blog for Pink Flamingo Swizzle Stick - some crafty stuff, a bit of gard...


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"This is a solid first effort by Apple focusing on real benefits to users (ex. Siri)," iPod inventor Tony Fadell said of Apple's new AI strategy.

It’s hard to know whether the ads or the halftime show has become the bigger attraction of the Super Bowl. It feels like the combination of the two has made the game ancillary. Certainly, nothing exemplifies the bombast and ridiculousness of the oc...

The Philadelphia Inquirer reports that vintage iPods are all the rage with kids these days — a trend the Inquirer first picked up when Philly-based Urban Outfitters began selling refurbished models on its website: Check on your millennial frien...

The older-model iPods sold by Urban Outfitters don't have touch screens, but they do have fans.

In the countdown to our 2023 Scary Story Contest, we’re republishing the winners of the last couple of years.Read more...

Apple is now worth trillions, but it almost didn't make it this far and struggled in the 1990s until Steve Jobs returned as CEO.

The following is an excerpt from Strip Tees: A Memoir of Millennial Los Angeles, by Kate Flannery. Flannery was hired at the iconic clothing brand American Apparel in 2005, as its founder Dov Charney—who used his unorthodox ways to foster cult-like...