"Iran" Blogs & Blog Posts

The Menso Guide to War, Conflict and World IssuesThe Menso Guide to War, Conflict and World Issues

Analysis of conflicts that lead to violence, with emphasis on the Middle Ea...


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Iran funds gender-affirming surgeries. While that may seem progressive, BI's investigation reveals a darker reality behind its transgender policy.

The frigate Sahand's sinking marks the third warship the Iranian Navy's lost since 2018 in incidents suggesting training issues and ship design flaws.

The Iranian frigate Sahand was photographed floating on its side as merchant vessels were docked nearby. State media said it was undergoing repairs.

Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) added missile corvettes and a mothership for special forces to its fleet, enabling new capabilities.

Nearly 50 entities and individuals were sanctioned on Tuesday for funding an illicit network in Iran, that's helping fuel Russia's war effort.

Yemen's Houthis aren't known to have advanced arms manufacturing capabilities, and are often armed by Iran, which has hypersonic missiles of its own.

Israel has been weighing an all-out war with Hezbollah. Israel's defense minister said this week that a decision on such a move was near.