"It" Blogs & Blog Posts


The Linux/FOSS Blogazine! Looking at the many facets of IT, exposing FUD an...

The Consultancy BlogThe Consultancy Blog

The Consultancy Blog is the corporate blog of Revell Research Systems, a Ma...


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A millennial woman who secretly works a second remote job to boost her finances explains why it's harder for women to be overemployed.

A millennial woman who secretly works a second remote job to boost her finances explains why it's harder for women to be overemployed.

Gig work is expanding, but this IT contractor who finds work on Field Nation and WorkMarket says he thinks "constantly" about a full-time job.

A Georgia-based millennial earns over $250,000 a year secretly working two remote jobs. He said he'd love to have a third gig.

On October 3rd, Aaron Samuels famously told Cady Heron that it was October 3rd. And on November 8th, the rebooted Mean Girls trailer told everyone who enjoyed the original 2004 comedy that they’re old as hell. Read more...

Documentaries have had a moment over the past few years, and it’s not surprising: In a world in which “facts” are as malleable as an editable Facebook post, docs offer a bit more stability. That’s not to say that everything committed to film...

I have long given up the fantasy that I could live in a minimal, streamlined environment with two children. I declared us a family of maximalists and let the piles of art projects, stuffed animals, building materials, and books grow like snow drifts...