"Leisure" Blogs & Blog Posts

thoo2 . 旅人 . 女人thoo2 . 旅人 . 女人

thoo2 pronounced as “two two”, she is an aspiring blogger and traveller...


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English and German fans crowd outside the turnstilesWhite Hart Lane, 1935History TodayDespite the War To End All Wars/WW1 and despite tension rising between the countries, Brit­ain maintained st­rong links with Germany; visits between sports clubs...

Tissot, Bad News/The Parting, 1872,  69x91 cm. National Museum Cardiff Jacques Tissot (1836-1902) fought in the Franco-Prussian War to defend Paris, as part of the Paris Commune. His 1870 art evoked the period of the French...

Greek royal family opening the 1896 Gamesfollowed by British Prince of Wales and Russian Duchess OlgaPinterestThe first Olympic Games in the Southern Hemisphere EVER were in Mel­bourne in 1956. These Games put our beautiful city on the map, got my f...

Ernest Wertheimer (1852-1927) emigrated from Alsace to Paris in 1870, during the Franco-Prussian War. Ernest purchased an interest in the innovative theatrical make-up company, Bourjois. Later his sons Paul (1883–1948) & Pierre Wert­h­eimer (...

After the crises of the Maritime Dispute in 1890, Shearers’ Dis­pute in 1891 and the Great Depression of early 1890s, many in Austral­ia’s work­­­ing class believed that their nation could never be a work­ingman’s parad­ise. Some were dr...

Madonna will showcase Lempicka’s art on her Celebration Concert Tour, Lempicka The Musical on Broadway in Mar 2024. An exhibit­ion at San Francisco’s Legion of Honour Museum will reevaluate her style in art history...

Crystal Palace was a glass and cast iron structure in Hyde Park, for the Great Exhibition of 1851.Designed by Sir Joseph PaxtonArchDaily The origins of Crystal Palace in Hyde Park lay in the national exhibitions of the Royal Society of Art...