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Unfashionably EconomicUnfashionably Economic

Random thoughts from a Ph.D economics student, covering current events and ...


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When school or your job requires a lot of reading, it’s hard to stay on track and focused. You should try different reading techniques to get the most out of what you’re supposed to be consuming on your own. One such technique to try is the struc...

In case you’re somehow existing on Mars, it looks like New York City residents are...well, also subsisting on an increasingly uninhabitable planet. Due to raging Canadian wildfires, the air in the Big Apple has been permeated by a thick smell of b...

Even if you didn’t care for the fruits of Amy Chozick’s labor, there’s a charitable reading to be made of her attempt to get under the skin of Elizabeth “Liz” Holmes in a recent New York Times profile of the convicted fraudster. Firstly, th...

“I don’t care about my legacy—I’ll be dead,” is a quote from Rudy Giuliani and (allegedly) Donald J. Trump. Given the narcissism and opportunism evinced in spades from two men who are, objectively, power-consumed liars, this sentiment track...

I submitted my simple explanation as to why Earth's average surface temperature is what it is* over on hard-core pseudo-scientific Alarmist website Science of Doom.---------------------* Skip to next dashed line if you are familiar with this explanat...

At the very least, the correct answer should be "All four answers" but strictly speaking, it would be "All five answers" because the answer "All five answers" is itself correct.

The return of supporters to various terraces last week in the Premier League brought back some rites of soccer that we didn’t even realize how much we missed and cherished. The mocking of a shot well over or wide of the goal. The vitriol for a ref...