"Mental Illness" Blogs & Blog Posts

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 The media seems obsessed about President Biden's mental state. But they should be discussing Donald Trump's far worse mental problems. Here's how Robert Reich puts it:A few weeks ago, at a rally in Nevada, Trump told his followers that boat man...

The media loves to report on President Biden's age. But they need to report more on Donald Trump increasing dementia and paranoia (which is far more dangerous to this country's future). Here is part of what Robert Reich has to say about it:What if Tr...

Imagine living in a world where your body is as fragile as a pane of glass, where every handshake and every step carries the risk of shattering into a thousand pieces. This isn't the plot of a fantasy novel but the reality for those afflicted with th...

The media seems worried about President Biden's age and mental acuity. But he's not the candidate we should be worried about. Donald Trump is the candidate showing a deteriorating mental health. Robert Reich explains:On Saturday, during a campaign sp...

A 26-year-old woman in Atlanta was in the middle of an attempt to burn down Martin Luther King Jr.'s birth home when bystanders intervened. Holding a huge red gasoline can, Laneisha Shantrice Henderson can be seen on video (see below, posted by WS...

Much has been made about Biden's age recently, and the possibility of mental decline. But it's not Biden with the worsening mental problems - it's Donald Trump. The following is just part of an excellent op-ed by Thomas B. Edsall in The New York Time...

Lobotomies were a way to treat mental health conditions back in the 1930s and '40s. The procedure was highly invasive and sometimes involved drills.