"Mps" Blogs & Blog Posts

Boris JohnsonBoris Johnson

Boris Johnson - politician, journalist and columnist. This site houses news...


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Since the alleged rape of staffer Brittany Higgins in the office of then-defense minister Linda Reynolds, Australia's parliament has released documents seeking an organization to "deliver training to promote a safe and respectful workplace." The...

To help keep the peace, more than 22,000 London police officers will soon be given body cameras. The roll-out begins today -- six months later than former mayor Boris Johnson had anticipated. The new hardware, supplied by Taser, won't be recordi...

I've blogged at the Sutton Trust on the educational backgrounds of the new MPs and Cabinet.The election result on May 7 may have surprised pundits expecting a hung parliament. But it was equally interesting in what it says about Britain today, and wh...

From The Metro, page 18, short and sweet:Linda, you ask why MPs aren't fussed about the privatisation of public services - they're on the boards of the companies that get given public services to run.Vanessa, London.I don't know why this is front pag...

Ah, fuck it.The BBC proudly announces that our elected representatives yesterday succumbed to group think by a margin of 376 votes to 107.Meanwhile, 143 of those they claim to represent voted as follows:Should smoking in a vehicle with a child presen...

Yeo ho ho...

By Mark Wadsworth on Feb 3, 2014

Natalie Solent sums up at Samizdata.

From the BBC:... Bridgwater and West Somerset MP Ian Liddell-Grainger dismissed the claims that the rain would have overwhelmed the river system even if it had been dredged as "pathetic"."It is an absolutely ridiculous excuse," he...