"National Debt" Blogs & Blog Posts

Forum for Stable CurrenciesForum for Stable Currencies

The Forum for Stable Currencies is a voluntary initiative of parliamentaria...

Enforcement of Bank of England Act 1694Enforcement of Bank of England Act 1694

This blog attempts to act as magnet for 'us the people' in the fa...


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 The following is part of an op-ed by economist Paul Krugman in The New York Times:The United States government is more than $34 trillion in debt. Did you know that our government owes $34 trillion? That’s $34 trillion!Whenever I write ab...

From former Labor Secretary Robert Reich:Republicans are attacking Biden for expanding the federal debt, and the House “Freedom Caucus” is livid that speaker Mike Johnson has agreed to more funds for Ukraine, claiming it will expand the debt even...

Republicans are damaging their political reputations by the continuing chaos of their House caucus. They are convincing many Americans that they are incapable of governing. Add to this the fact that most Americans disapprove of their stance on aborti...

Hedge fund legend Ray Dalio and economist Nouriel Roubini are among commentators who have warned of a full-blown debt crisis headed for the US.

This incisive commentary is by former Labor Secretary Robert Reich:The dire warnings of fiscal hawks are once again darkening the skies of official Washington, demanding that the $31 trillion federal debt be reduced and government spending curtailed...

The following is part of an article in The Washington Post: House Republicans are preparing a plan telling the Treasury Department what to do if Congress and the White House don’t agree to lift the nation’s debt limit later this year, unders...

Biden rarely names his Republican predecessor. But he criticized Trump for swelling the deficit with tax cuts that never paid for themselves.