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Michael GoreyMichael Gorey

Random thoughts and observations by former regional newspaper editor Michae...


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A former reporter of The Marion County Record has settled a lawsuit following a raid on the weekly newspaper last year that garnered widespread attention.

Terence Samuel, a veteran journalist, had been in the role for a year.

Evan Gershkovich of The Wall Street Journal has endured 15 months in prison by reading letters and Russian classics, while the authorities have not publicly offered any evidence that he was a spy.

Evan Gershkovich of The Wall Street Journal has endured 15 months in prison by reading letters and Russian classics, while the authorities have not publicly offered any evidence that he was a spy.

The newspaper has been reeling from successive revelations about Robert Winnett, its incoming editor, and Will Lewis, its chief executive.

Years before becoming the Post’s publisher, Will Lewis assigned an article based on stolen phone records, a former reporter said.

The Amazon founder has expressed his support to Will Lewis, the C.E.O., who has faced widespread criticism this month.