"Objects" Blogs & Blog Posts

Mayukh's PhotoblogMayukh's Photoblog

capturing the best moments


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Toxic positivity has earned a lot of backlash recently. Of course, we shouldn’t berate ourselves with negative self-talk, and there’s value in encouraging ourselves when fearful (I routinely utter, “I have all the skills I need” like a dime-s...

Researchers at the University of Maryland and the University of Zurich equipped a drone with event cameras and a sonar system to make it capable of detecting and dodging objects thrown at it. This technology could help drones and birds safely co-exis...

Objects and details

By Raoul Pop on Jan 29, 2019 in: home, photos

Something I often find myself doing during the winters is searching the house for things to photograph. Whether it’s something as simple as an object on my desk or something a little harder to spot, such as reflections in glazed porcelain, it&#...

Raoul Pop posted a photo: In downtown Berlin, Germany...

Raoul Pop posted a photo:...

Two thimbles [Flickr]

By Raoul Pop on Jul 16, 2018 in: home

Raoul Pop posted a photo:...

An onyx pyramid [Flickr]

By Raoul Pop on Jul 16, 2018 in: home

Raoul Pop posted a photo:...