"Paleoanthropology" Blogs & Blog Posts

Anna's BonesAnna's Bones

Thoughts on bones, evolution, and all the worlds in between.


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Basing their work on a skull unearthed in 2018, researchers reconstructed the head of a mid-forties Neanderthal woman who lived 75,000 years ago. Shanidar Z, as she has been named, was about 5ft tall and her sex determined via dental proteins. —...

Neanderthals' extinction is one of the biggest mysteries about the species. In "The Naked Neanderthal," Ludovic Slimak says humans were the cause.

Paleoanthropologist Lee Berger, the lead scientist at the "Cave of Bones" site of Homo naledi fossils in South Africa, spoke at the Explorers Club in New York City Monday evening. He and his team have made amazing discoveries in the Rising Star cave...

Butchery marks on a fossilized bone belonging to a human ancestor suggest the flesh was removed for possible consumption, which shocked researchers.


Scientists have uncovered the first fossil of a Homo naledi child. This ancestor lived about 250,000 years ago, likely alongside modern humans.

A species of human ancestor called Homo longi, or "Dragon Man," lived in China 146,000 years ago. It may have interbred with ancient humans.