"Palestine" Blogs & Blog Posts

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Delta announced that starting Monday, only US flag pins would be permitted to be worn on its uniforms.

Deborah Danan, a mom in Israel, says her Arab-Muslim neighbor helped lead her 8-year-old daughter to their safe room.

The South By Southwest music-showcase-turned-general-tech-and-media-industry-hobnobbing-event faced some controversy in 2024, when the organizers announced a special partnership with the US Army. It's certainly not uncommon for a major corporate enti...

The United Nations Special Rapporteur on the occupied Palestinian territories said the incident was "human shielding in action."...

4 hostages, including Noa Argamani, rescued from Gaza...

Arrested students will be immediately suspended, and any who are seniors will not be allowed to graduate, Stanford leaders said.

The sisters, whose father is the Palestinian real-estate developer Mohamed Anwar Hadid, have previously voiced their support for Gazans.