"Parent" Blogs & Blog Posts

Kristen's ColumnKristen's Column

Kristen Twedt freelances for magazines and blogs for fun. A former newspape...

Write From KarenWrite From Karen

Write From Karen contains snippets of her life, her (sometimes strong) opin...


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Working in Sweden comes with 480 days of parental leave, an aversion to bragging about your successes and more responsibility at work.

Will whoever fathered Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Co.) please stand up? Read more...

As of December 5, only 4.7 million of the 28 million children in the US ages 5-11 have received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine, according to the CDC.

Christine is one of 800 Compton residents in the US' largest basic income program. She's come a long way from being homeless and unable to pay bills.

Employees want flexibility and emergency childcare. "If they can't get it from their organization, they'll go next door," Maribeth Bearfield said.

Welcome back to my Saturday column in which I take a look back on the news of the week and try to determine- are we doomed? Let Communism Ring! As you probably heard, the general manager of NBA’s Houston Rockets supported those fighting for fre...

Raising kids is hard, raising them to be above-average productive members of society is even harder. Indeed, one of those hard things about raising kids is hearing endless advice on how to raise kids “right”; so don’t listen to ever...